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Structure and Properties of the S49 Rail after a Long Term Outdoor Exposure

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The subject of the research in this work was the S49 rail made of R260 rail steel (1.0623). The carried out investigations concern microstructure tests and tests of mechanical properties of rails after several years of exposure in the open air without usage. The purpose of the work was to determine on the basis of the results of research the possibilities of using the tested rail for usage and application for the construction of tracks on railway sidings. For investigations there were used diverse techniques reaching such engineering materials investigations like light or scanning electron microscope for microstructure investigations, as well as hardness and microhardness test were performed for determinations of the microstructural changes occurred in the upper area of the rails surface. The microstructure changes concerns especially the ferritic and pearlitic structure and the breaks in the present carbide mesh. During investigations it was found out that the tested railway rails are fully useful for application, after machining to achieve required dimensional parameters. It is also of high importance, of the economical point of view, that their price, also in case of earlier installation of the rails, may be lower than the current price offered on the marked for a entire new product. The price difference reaches dimensions in the range of 5% - 10%.
Słowa kluczowe
  • Department of Railway Transport, Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering, Silesian University of Technology
  • Department of Railway Transport, Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering, Silesian University of Technology
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