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Spatial policy in rural communes in relation to land use change resulting from suburbanization
Języki publikacji
Studies on conditions and directions of spatial management (hereinafter referred to as the communes studies) are developed at the local level of spatial planning. Communes studies determine the spatial policy at the given commune, including e.g. principles of spatial development, while not being an act of local law, and its stipulations are binding for the organs of the commune when preparing local spatial development plans (local plans) (art. 9. of the Act of 27 March 2003 on spatial planning and land development [The Journal of Law "Dziennik Ustaw" of 2003 no. 80, item 717 with later amendments]). The communes studies specify e.g.: directions of changes in the spatial structure of the commune and in land function, directions and indexes concerning land development and function, including areas excluded from building development, areas and principles of environmental protection and protection of its resources, nature conservation, protection of cultural landscape and resorts, areas, for which the commune intends to prepare a local spatial development plan, including areas requiring changes in land function of agricultural and forest land for non-agricultural and non-forest use, directions and principles of management of agricultural and forest production space, flood risk areas. The main targets of the presented studies in 2 selected rural communes (Dopiewo and Tarnowo Podgorne) in Poznan metropolitan area is to analyze the changes in communes studies and land use. The selected communes are liable to an intensive process of suburbanization associated with the development of Poznan agglomeration. The paper presents the changes in spatial development in selected communes over the years 1999-2011. A few interesting points of them have been analyzed in detail. There are: agricultural land, forest land, built-up and urban areas. The author paid attention especially to urbanized areas housing development). The changes in spatial development have been compared with the planning policy of the commune on the basis of communes studies, urban atlas and registered intended use of land developed according to Regulations of the Minister of Regional Development and Construction of 29 March 2001 on register of land and buildings [The Journal of Law "Dziennik Ustaw" of 2001 no. 38, item 454]. During the analyzed period the agricultural land (arable land, orchards, meadow, permanent pastures and others) in both communes has decreased about 327 ha in Dopiewo and abot 791 ha in Tarnowo Podgorne. At the same time built-up and urban areas (residential areas, industrial areas, transport areas and other built up areas) has increased about 303 ha in Dopiewo and about 712 ha in Tarnowo Podgorne. Comparing data from the urban atlas and communes studies we have seen that the present area of residential areas according to the Urban Atlas covers an area of approximately 900 ha, which represents 38% of the land planned for housing development in Tarnowo Podgorne commune and approximately 700 ha (24%) in Dopiewo commune. A study on the conditions and directions of spatial development is not an act of local law and its stipulations are not biding for the inhabitants. Thus it seems advisable to consider an elevation of the rank of spatial planning studies on conditions and directions of spatial management in order to provide a more effective creation of spatial policy in communes, in accordance with the principles of spatial order and sustainable development.
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