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Geostatistical identification of solute transport mechanism in rivers
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The geostatistical structural analysis was used to detect hidden mechanisms of solute transport in two contrasting temperate catchments: low land lakeland one and m ountainous. The data set consist two years of daily measurements of the discharge and two solute components for each catchment. In both catchment dissimilarity structure of analysed data in terms of semivariogram , is much the same: small nugget variance and two spherical components with the range 56 or 68 days first and 34-36 or 25-27 day second for mountainous and low land catchments respectively. With daily sampling interval the water in both river can be treated as mixture of three components, presumably surface, subsurface and ground outflow. Weak relationships between solute concentrations and discharge is mainly result of the share of first time component (quick runoff). Codispersion coefficients rise rapidly up to six days lag between discharge and solute concentration, and reaches its maximum between 15 and 30 days. For the quick runoff component relationship between solute concentration and discharge is positive, probably as an effect of periodic flushing effect of surface and subsuiface runoff (Klein 1981, Stach 2002). Factorial kriging can be used for separation time components both for river hydrogram and chemogram.
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Bibliogr. 18 poz., rys., tab.
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