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Tithonian stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Vaca Muerta Formation in Mallín Quemado (Neuquén Basin, Argentina), with remarks on the Andean chronostratigraphy

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In the Cerro Mallín Quemado area (Sierra de la Vaca Muerta) the three members of the Vaca Muerta Formation (Portada Covunco, Los Catutos and Pichi Moncol) can be recognized, including the whole of the Tithonian rock-record. The ammonite fauna does not show significant differences with respect to that of the nearby locality Pampa Tril, but the record of faunal horizons is patchier. Eighteen species of ammonites were recorded through the studied sections, covering the whole of the Andean Tithonian. The current chronostratigraphic zonation of the Andean Tithonian is briefly discussed, updated and correlated with the most recent literature. From the current succession of ammonite bio-horizons previously defined in the basin, only three (picunleufuense alpha, picunleufuense beta and falculatum) were recognized definitely. Four other bio-horizons (perlaevis, erinoides, internispinosum alpha and vetustum) were recognized only tentatively, because the typical assemblages of morphotypes (morpho-species) were not clearly or completely recognized. The current regional time-correlation chart dated by the ammonite bio-horizons of the Neuquén Basin along a 70°W transect is updated with the results of the present study and additional information recently obtained from other localities
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Bibliogr. 49 poz.
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