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The Development of a Generative Approach for Joint Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction from Highly Sparse Raw Data in the Context of MR-PET Imaging

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The present study introduces a rapid and efficient approach for reconstructing high-resolution images in hybrid MRI-PET scanners. The application of sparsity, compressed sensing (CS), and super-resolution reconstruction (SRR) methodologies can significantly decrease the demands of data acquisition while concurrently attaining high-resolution output. G-guided generative multilevel networks for sparsely sampled MR-PET input are shown here. Compressed Sensing using conjugate symmetry and Partial Fourier methodology speeds up data collection over k-space sampling methods. GANs and k-space adjustments are used in this image domain technique. The employed methodology utilizes discrete preprocessing stages to effectively tackle the challenges associated with the deblurring, reducing motion artifacts, and denoising of layers. Initial trials offer contextual details and accelerate evaluations. Preliminary experiments provide contextual information and expedite assessments.
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Bibliogr. 49 poz., rys., tab.
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