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The Finger-vein recognition (FVR) method has received increasing attention in recent years. It is a new method of personal identification and biometric technology that identifies individuals using unique finger-vein patterns, which is the first reliable and suitable area to be recognized. It was discovered for the first time with a home imaging system; it is characterized by high accuracy and high processing speed. Also, the presence of patterns of veins inside one’s body makes it almost difficult to repeat and difficult to steal. Based on the increased focus on protecting privacy, that also produces vein biometrics safer alternatives without forgery, damage, or alteration over time. Fingerprint recognition is beneficial because it includes the use of low-cost, small devices which are difficult to counterfeit. This paper discusses preceding finger-vein recognition approaches systems with the methodologies taken from other researchers’ work about image acquisition, pretreatment, vein extraction, and matching. It is reviewing the latest algorithms; continues to critically review the strengths and weaknesses of these methods, and it states the modern results following a key comparative analysis of methods.
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Bibliogr. 68 poz., fig., tab.
- Computer Science Department, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
- Corresponding author’s e-mail: ruaa.salman1201@sc.uobaghdad.edu.iq
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