Warianty tytułu
Utilisation of sewage sludge in Poland by thermal method
Języki publikacji
Według danych GUS w 2011 r. ilość komunalnych osadów ściekowych wytworzonych w Polsce wyniosła 519, 2 tys. Mg s.m. Z kolei prognozowana, wg KPGO2014 na 2015 r. ilość suchej masy komunalnych osadów ściekowych osiągnie poziom 642, 4 tys. Mg i będzie wykazywać tendencję wzrostową w kolejnych latach. Tak duża masa osadów będzie stwarzać ogromne problemy w ich zagospodarowaniu. W celu rozwiązania tego problemu stawia się na wykorzystanie termicznych metod unieszkodliwiania osadów. Zgodnie z zapisami Krajowego Planu Gospodarki Odpadami (KPGO2014) przewiduje się, że w perspektywie do 2020 r. ponad 30% osadów będzie termicznie zagospodarowywane. W publikacji przedstawiono aktualny stan prawny oraz metody ostatecznego zagospodarowania osadów w Polsce. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na metody termiczne, które w świetle ograniczeń innych metod zagospodarowania osadów są traktowane priorytetowo. Potwierdzeniem tego jest choćby ilość budowanych suszarni oraz stacji termicznego przekształcania komunalnych osadów ściekowych.
According to the data announced by the Central Statistical Office (GUS) in 2011 in Poland there were 3143 municipal wastewater treatment plants, and actually sewegerage system is serving more than twenty-five million inhabitants. Most of the wastewater treatment plants are relatively new. The modern and highly efficient wastewater treatment systems produce significant amounts of municipal sewage sludge. The amount of sludge starts to create huge problems in their proper management. In addition, from 1st of January 2016 storage of sewage sludge, which so far has been one of the most popular methods of sludge management will be virtually impossible. Thermal methods of disposal are currently being considered as an interesting way of sludge management. Thermal sludge disposal methods include incineration, co-incineration and so called alternative methods, such as: gasification, pyrolysis or wet oxidation. In Poland generally incineration and co-incineration are used for sludge utilization. Currently there are eleven plants where sewage sludge is incinerated. Seven of them are using fluidized bed technology, in four cases the sewage sludge is burned on the grate. Poland's first plant for sludge incineration was launched in 1997 in Gdynia - Dębogórze and we had to wait more than ten years for the second one. Now as it was mentioned we have 11 installations in Poland. The biggest one is located in Warsaw and it is currently in the start-up process. Sewage sludge is also managed by the co-firing in the cement industry. This is particularly evident in the Cemex group. However, it should be noted that it has been implemented four years ago. In 2009 co-firing of sewage sludge was launched in Chełm cement plant. In Rudniki plant co-incineration started one year later. Nowadays sewage sludge is given to the cement kiln together with coal. Of course the amount of sewage sludge is not a significant volume in the total amount of alternative fuels use, but its share is growing from year to year. Co-combustion of sludge in power boilers is at the stage of technical trial. Sludge is a waste and the process of sludge co-incineration is a thermal waste utilization process what implies certain legal consequences. This reason causes that energy sector is currently not interested in sludge co-incineration.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 10 poz.
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