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Cybersecurity of IT/OT systems in key functional areas of a mining plant operating on the basis of the idea of INDUSTRY 4.0

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The article is based on practical experience and research, presenting the author's concept of applying the principles of cybersecurity of IT/OT systems in key functional areas of a mining plant operating based on the idea of INDUSTRY 4.0.In recent years, cyberspace has become a new security environment, which has introduced significant changes in both the practical, and legal and organizational aspects of the operation of global security systems. In this context, it is particularly important to understand the dynamics of this environmental change (both in the provisions of the NIS 2 directive and the KSC Act) [1]. Building a legal system as a national response to the opportunities and challenges related to its presence in cyberspace was an extremely complex task. This results not only from the pace of technological change, but also from the specificity of the environment and its "interactivity". The trend in international law that has emerged during COVID-19 and the current geopolitical situation is to treat organizations from the mining and energy sector as one of the important actors in national and international relations [2].The new regulations introduce and expand international cooperation between individual entities and regulate security strategies and policies, which should take into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, with particular emphasis on, among others, ensuring the continuity of system operation, handling security incidents and constantly increasing awareness of cybersecurity and cyber threats. It should not be forgotten that threats in cyberspace represent a different class of organizational challenges, largely similar to those posed by other asymmetric threats such as terrorism. Their common feature is that they require less hierarchical and more flexible solutions on state structures. Cybersecurity, both socially and technologically, with all its consequences, emerges as one of the most important concepts of the security paradigm at the national and international level [3].
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 18 poz., rys., wykr.., zdj.
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