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Modern security paradigm

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Paradygmaty współczesnego bezpieczeństwa
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Knowledge about the surrounding world, social reality, its functioning consists of many different theories, laws, notions and concepts of the surrounding world. In this respect, the security paradigm as a toll of knowledge has many explanatory functions. The point is that only some of them are true and only in particular, often accidental circumstances. Hence differentiating whether they are true or not carries a risk and possibility of an error. The consequences manifest themselves in any aspect of human activity and it concerns also the security paradigm of a subject and their activities. The article rise up those issues and try to bring answers. Trying to describe reality, in order to systematize it and give it an understandable form, is as much tempting, due to the bulk of the challenge, as it is discouraging, because of the idea of activities which should or may be connected with this task. The purpose of this type of activities may be easily questioned by indicating the number of determinants which should be taken into consideration and inability to include them all in the undertaken discussion. Hence what makes one face this challenge? Paradoxically, the image of reality is like an image in a toy telescope, in which, when one looks against the light, images overlap and change while keeping some of their own features. So does the reality which, while undergoing changes, possesses its own, unique and at the same time repetitive features. Although during observation they may be distorted, the impression of some repeatability remains, which is underlying for understanding of what surrounds us. It is the basis for understanding which leads to cognition and explanation of events, phenomena, processes as well as megatrends which create human social reality. This link between cognition and understanding, or rather the willingness to notice it in the area of broadly understood subject’s security has become the basis for this discussion.
Znajomość współczesnej rzeczywistości, a w niej zagadnień bezpieczeństwa, jest istotna zarówno ze względów poznawczych, jak i utylitarnych. W tym zakresie paradygmat bezpieczeństwa stanowi swoiste narzędzie poznania i eksplanacji. Rzecz w tym, że tylko niektóre obszary poznania i formy eksplanacji są prawdziwe i tylko w określonych okolicznościach. Zawsze występuje ryzyko błędu, a konsekwencje tego występują w różnych odniesieniach do podejmowanych przez człowieka działań. Artykuł ukazuje powyższe zagadnienia i stara się – przynajmniej w przypadku niektórych – udzielić odpowiedzi.
Opis fizyczny
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