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Purpose: This article seeks to establish whether there is a relationship between the amount of sleep managers have per night and their behaviour when in stressful situations, with particular reference to their choice of coping strategy. Design/methodology/approach: In order to establish the relationship between managers’ sleep duration and their preferred styles of coping with stress, two specific research tools were employed: a Polish adaptation of the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) and the author’s own questionnaire assessing respondents’ daily hours of sleep. Findings: The research showed that as a variable, sleep deficit is not sufficient to explain the behaviour of managers in situations of emotional stress. However, when treated as an independent variable, sleep duration can be used to identify certain interesting behavioural aspects of managers in their professional environment. Research limitations/implications: It is advisable to extend the research to include a larger research group and to distinguish other variables specific to the functioning of people in managerial positions. Practical implications: The lack of any correlation between the extent of sleep deprivation and behaviours aimed at reducing stress may indicate that these behaviours stem more from specific individual factors (e.g. gender or age) and environmental conditions rather than sleep duration. Identifying these conditions and understanding how they can be modified may help to shape the well-being of managers and their employees. Social implications: If organisations factored sleep duration into their work/health equation, this would help direct their efforts towards ensuring the well-being of their managers, which would lead to increased efficiency and performance. Originality/value: Sleep duration does not appear to be a variable that sufficiently explains the coping strategies employed by managers, as these are more influenced by age and gender, for example. The research showed that the group of managers analysed here did not meet the recommended standards of eight hours sleep a day, with sleep duration being heavily dependent on the respondents’ age.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 38 poz.
- Akademia Wyższej Szkoły Biznesu, Dąbrowa Górnicza
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