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Purpose: Problematic areas in the field of education in Poland have been mentioned in strategic documents, necessary for the implementation of the cohesion policy, in all three previous financial perspectives of the European Union. In the face of changes in the socio-economic reality of the EU countries, education has become more and more present in the areas of intervention of the European Social Fund. The aim of the article is to evaluate the current Polish experience in the system of supporting education and lifelong learning under the ESF in the years 2004-2020. It is also a summary of nearly 20 years of involvement of this company in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The article analyses the literature relating to both the Structural Funds in Poland, with particular emphasis on the ESF, as well as problem areas in the field of education, constituting the potential scope of the Fund's intervention. The article also includes an analysis of programming documents, as well as operational programmes at the national level, containing instruments to support education and lifelong learning in Poland from the ESF funds in the years 2004-2020. Findings: For nearly twenty years, Poland, as a beneficiary of the social policy, has benefited from support instruments within the competence of the ESF, also in the area of education and lifelong learning. For nearly two decades, in successive EU financial perspectives, a system of support for education and the idea of lifelong learning has been created, responding to the greatest needs of this area of human activity. It included further priorities and areas of support, which corresponded to increasing financial resources. Studies have shown the effectiveness of ESF financial intervention in many areas, but there are still deficits that will be supported in the coming perspectives. Originality/value: The article contains one of the first summaries of the functioning of the system of support for education and lifelong learning from the European Social Fund in Poland, mainly in the context of nationwide operational programmes.
Opis fizyczny
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