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Biotopes of sand of Chernihiv Polesie (forest zone, Northern Ukraine)

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Basing on the analysis of 440 vegetation plots (relevés) a classification scheme of sand biotopes of Chernihiv Polesie (Northern Ukraine) of levels IV–VI was compiled. Biotopes, protected by the Resolution 4 of the Bern Convention and Annexes II and IV of the Habitat Directive, were identified. The comparative characteristics of biotopes and syntaxa of vegetation according to floristic classification were given. Characteristics of the represented biotopes were described. The biotopes R1Q, R1P, R1M (EUNIS, 2021) appeared to be the most represented for the sands of Northern Ukraine. Fourteen biotopes of Chernihiv Polesie sands, protected by Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992, were revealed.
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