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Strategic management in conditions of uncertainty

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Purpose: to analyse the variables influencing the construction of a new approach in the strategic management process of an enterprise operating under uncertainty. As a theoretical background for the research, the 'valued' concepts related to business management occurring in the global economy were used, i.e. the concepts of knowledge economy, network organisation, sustainable development, time management and social participation. Design/methodology/approach: it is necessary to use methods in practice for research in management science based on observation of facts and the classification used in the methodology of inductive sciences such as: • observation carried out under natural conditions and interaction with the companies under investigation, • observation-intervention which takes place within the framework of transformation activities in companies, and the researcher has a direct influence on the decisions made in this respect. This implies the need to combine scientific and practical objectives. Findings: The market has forced a move away from the traditional business management approach to task-focused teams, where today's boss may be his subordinate's subordinate tomorrow, because that is better for the objectives of a particular project. These groups will be interdisciplinary, according to the nature of the task, and their participants will gain a pretty good knowledge of what the other partners are up to and will be prepared enough to replace them with dignity in forced situations. This approach offers an opportunity for the company to adapt more quickly to dynamic changes in the environment. Research limitations/implications: The research should address the development of a tool to support the selection of methods and approaches for the strategic management process under uncertainty. Practical implications: The authors have identified only some of the determinants of strategic management under uncertainty, such as the knowledge economy, sustainable development, network structure in the enterprise, time management, soft factors in the management process under uncertainty - emotional intelligence. The research should not only develop new approaches in the process of strategic management, but also identify management methods that should primarily be applied under conditions of uncertainty. Originality/value: In the conditions of pandemics and wars, it is necessary to develop a flexible approach to the process of strategic corporate management. It is also necessary to develop or modify existing management methods for these difficult times of dynamic change in the environment.
Opis fizyczny
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