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Additive and hybrid technologies for products manufacturing using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics

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Purpose: The paper is a comprehensive review of the literature on additive and hybrid technologies for products manufacturing using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics. Design/methodology/approach: Extensive literature studies on conventional powder engineering technologies have been carried out. By using knowledge engineering methods, development perspectives of individual technologies were indicated. Findings: The additive and hybrid technologies for products manufacturing using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics as the advanced digital production (ADP) technologies are located in the two-quarters of the dendrological matrix of technologies "wide-stretching oak" and "rooted dwarf mountain pine" respectively. It proves their highest possible potential and attractiveness, as well as their fully exploited attractiveness or substantial development opportunities in this respect. Originality/value: According to augmented holistic Industry 4.0 model, many materials processing technologies and among them additive and hybrid technologies for products manufacturing using powders of metals, their alloys and ceramics are becoming very important among product manufacturing technologies. They are an essential part not only of powder engineering but also of the manufacturing development according to the concept of Industry 4.0.
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Bibliogr. 225 poz.
  • Medical and Dental Engineering Center for Research, Design and Production ASKLEPIOS, ul. Królowej Bony 13D, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  • Medical and Dental Engineering Center for Research, Design and Production ASKLEPIOS, ul. Królowej Bony 13D, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zielona Góra, ul. Prof. Z. Szafrana 4, 65-516 Zielona Góra, Poland
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