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Placer scheelite and gold from alluvial sediments as indicators of the primary mineralization – examples from SW Poland

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Detailed morphologic studies of detrital scheelite and gold grains from clastic Cenozoic sediments (alluvial and eluvial-colluvial) in two selected areas of the Lower Silesia region allowed to describe their specific features (size, roundness, lustre, and lack or remnants of primary intergrowths with other minerals). It allows estimating length of hydrodynamic transport and distance from the source area. Such features are also an important tool in determining the source of ore mineralization and to establish the parent area for detrital accumulations. Moreover, electron microprobe (EMPA) investigation of detrital gold allowed to recognized internal structure and chemical composition of placer gold grains. The grains commonly revealed zonal structures due to chemical supergene gold mobility recognized nearly in all studied pan-concentrate samples.
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Bibliogr. 59 poz., rys., wykr.
  • Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa, Poland
  • Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland
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