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Purpose: The purpose of the article is to assess the sharing economy’s potential to impact local development, in the context of strengthening community ties and stakeholder value creation. Methodology: The article employs the methods of critical analysis of the subject literature and a case study. Findings: The authors have demonstrated that sharing economy contributes to the achievement of social, environmental and economic goals on a local scale, creating value for internal stakeholders. Sharing economy activities integrate local communities around common goals as well as strengthen the sense of local communality. Trust, collaborative consumption, local communality, and concern for the environment become the leading values, replacing approaches focused on such categories as possession or money. Practical implications: The presented examples of sharing economy indicate the necessity to involve local authorities through diagnosing the residents’ needs, spreading awareness of the availability of collaborative consumption in given territory, support of local leaders’ initiatives and initiation of own sharing economy projects. Authorities should take advantage of proven solutions recognized as paradigmatic, an example of which is Milan, whose undertakings have been recognized by the awarding of the prestigious "Earthshot Prize", the so-called "Green Nobel Prize". Social implications: The analysis shows the multidirectional benefits for the local community, emphasizes the importance of social ties, in the context of counteracting social exclusion protecting the natural environment. Originality: The Authors attempted to identify the sharing economy through the prism of social benefits for the local community, which can inspire local communities, including the local leaders and local authority representatives in particular.
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Bibliogr. 27 poz.
- University of Rzeszow, Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship
- University of Rzeszow, Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship
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