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Hybrid end-to-end approach integrating online learning with face-identification system

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Facial recognition has been one of the most intriguing and exciting research topics over the last few years. It involves multiple face-based algorithms such asfacial detection, facial alignment, facial representation, and facial recognition. However, all of these algorithms are derived from large deep-learning architectures, leading to limitations in development, scalability, accuracy, and deployment for public use with mere CPU servers. Also, large data sets that contain hundreds of thousands of records are often required for training purposes. In this paper, we propose a complete pipeline for an effective face-recognition application that requires only a small data set of Vietnamese celebrities and a CPU for training, solving the problem of data leakage, and the need for GPU devices. The pipeline is based on the combination of a conversion algorithm from face vectors to string tokens and the indexing & retrieval process by Elasticsearch, thereby tackling the problem of online learning in facial recognition. Compared with other popular algorithms on the same data set, our proposed pipeline not only outperforms the counterpart in terms of accuracy but also delivers faster inference, which is essential to real-time applications.
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