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Litologiczny wskaźnik przemieszczeń materiału skalnego jako element oceny podatności stoków na osuwanie

Treść / Zawartość
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Lithological displacement index as an element of landslide susceptibility assessment
Języki publikacji
The use of multi-temporal LIDAR data in the study of landslides gives many possibilities. The increasing-over-time availability of ALS data encouraged research on development of landslides using Differential Digital Terrain Models. An important passive factor that determines the development of landslides (especially in the Carpathians) is lithology. The author propose a new lithological displacement index, that dscribes the volume of displaced ground (m3 ) per area of 1 m2 of a given lithological unit. The example of the test area of Rożnowskie Lake has shown that lithological displacement index can assess the landslide susceptibility, which is variable and depends on the amount of rainfall. During periods of heavy rainfall, large volumes of displaced rock masses were recorded in the thick-bedded formations. In dry periods, the trend is reversed.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 43 poz., map., tab.
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