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Advanced jet training still relies on old concepts and solutions that are no longer efficient when considering the current and forthcoming changes in air combat. The cost of those old solutions to develop and maintain combat pilot skills are important, adding even more constraints to the training limitations. The requirement of having a trainer aircraft able to perform also light combat aircraft operational mission is adding unnecessary complexity and cost without any real operational advantages to air combat mission training. Thanks to emerging technologies, the JANUS project will study the feasibility of a brand-new concept of agile manoeuvrable training aircraft and an integrated training system, able to provide a live, virtual and constructive environment. The JANUS concept is based on a lightweight, low-cost, high energy aircraft associated to a ground based Integrated Training System providing simulated and emulated signals, simulated and real opponents, combined with real-time feedback on pilot’s physiological characteristics: traditionally embedded sensors are replaced with emulated signals, simulated opponents are proposed to the pilot, enabling out of sight engagement. JANUS is also providing new cost effective and more realistic solutions for "Red air aircraft” missions, organised in so-called "Aggressor Squadrons”.
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Bibliogr. 145 poz., rys.
- ALR Aerospace Gotthardstrasse 52, 8002 Zürich
- ALR Aerospace Gotthardstrasse 52, 8002 Zürich
- Warsaw University of Technology, Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warsaw
- ALR Aerospace Gotthardstrasse 52, 8002 Zürich
- Military University of Technology, gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 01-476 Warsaw
- Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation, al. Krakowska 110/114, 02-256 Warsaw, Poland
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