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The problem described in this study concerns the processes accompanyingthe revitalisation of waterfronts in urban public areas. This article has beenan attempt to analyse the latest waterfront transformations and to extend theknowledge on shaping of public green spaces in riverbank areas. The purpose of the study was to analyse and introduce the typology of urbangreen areas located along the waterfronts, concentrated around continuouswalking or cycling routes. Another assumption of the author was to indicate thefactors determining the vitality and activisation of these areas. The applied research methodology was based on factors shaping the coastalspace, which the author presented as a group named “waterfront linearity”. Moreover, his paper examines the latest waterfront revitalisation undertakenin Rouen, Bordeaux, Lyon. The conclusions found in this paper constitute an important element of researchstudies devoted to the ways of shaping green areas in the immediate vicinityof rivers as well as studies in the area of environmental psychology.
art. no. e2023013
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Bibliogr. 24 poz., il., tab.
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