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The paper presents a two-stage, global planning algorithm for the waypoint-following task realized by a unicycle-like robot in a clutiered environment. It assumes motion execution with the VFO (Vector Field Orientation) controller. The planner is a result of a controllerdriven design process and exploits particular properties of the VFO controller. Emphasis has been put on the plan safety in the sense of maximizing the distance from the obstacles. In the first stage of planning, an A*-like pathfinding algorithm is used to find a safe geometric plan (i.e. a polyline) in a two-dimensional occupancy grid. During the second stage, a sequence of waypoint posi tions is selected from the geometric plan and reference orientations at the waypoints are planned. Orienta tion planning exploits properties of the VFO controller used for subsequent motion execution. Proposed twostage algorithm admits changes of robot motion strategy (forward/backward movement) and has lower computational cost than the full configuration space search. Performance of the algorithm can be intuitively tuned with provided design parameters.
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Bibliogr. 27 poz.., rys.
- Chair of Control and Systems Engineering, Piotrowo 3A, Poland, Poznań, 60-965,
- Chair of Control and Systems Engineering, Piotrowo 3A, Poland, Poznań, 60-965,
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