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Model for Assessing Engineering Competencies of Logistics Specialists in Transport Organisations

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In today’s dynamic, technology-driven, and diverse world of knowledge society, transport organisations should purposefully analyse and assess their operations since they often have to face problems emerging from the lack of knowledge and competencies of logistics specialists. The engineering competencies of logistics specialists are highly appreciated in transport systems. However, the selection of assessment criteria and determination of its importance is a difficult task for managers in this sector. Thus, it is reasonable to apply the multi-criteria methodologies, such as SAW, AHP, MOORA, and VIKOR, whilst determining the importance of criteria describing the competencies of logistics specialists in a transport organisation. Applying the multi-criteria methods provides prerequisites for an objective, precise, and the least time-consuming way to evaluate the engineering competencies of logistics specialists. The analysis of the results enables the most suitable decisions to utilise the significant potential of logistics specialists. The article examines the problem areas for evaluating the competencies of logistics specialists. The current paper presents the evaluation of logistics specialists’ competencies based on the methodology used to determine the importance of criteria (SAW and AHP methods). Additionally, further recommendations are suggested to effectively manage certain corrections on competencies in transport organisations under investigation.
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