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Polemology for Peace, Pt. 2
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War, in its genetic and destructive dimension is the subject of polemology supradisciplinary research. Polemological research of war contributes to general peace research because it merely constitutes a necessary means to achieve a general goal of shaping peace and security. Polemologists’ assumption that war exemplifies naturally human needs inclines them towards searching substitutive (peaceful) behaviour which would substitute military and destructive actions. Polemology methodological paradigm is so innovative that it attempts to change the ways of thinking about war as a phenomenon which should be minimised and eventually eliminated from the human relations practice. Thus the change of the saying “if you wish for peace, prepare for war" into "ifyou wish for peace, understand war". This article continues to describe methodological and theological aspects of reflection on war research which is the main subject of polemology research. However, the aim of polemological research is to show ways how to shape peace and security. It is worth pointing out the prime methodology paradigms of polemology, in order to underline efforts taken diming at reaching a desired state of harmony in interpersonal relations and shape such as a form of human existence that in axiological category could be described as proper dignified living.
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Bibliogr. 15 poz.
- Akademia Obrony Narodowej
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