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Human activities in relation to aquatic ecosystems result in significant economic losses in the form of contamination of water sources, deteriorating its quality and therefore its availability in lakes, water bodies and even in soil. Hence the need for systematic revitalisation or reclamation of water ecosystems. Such actions, in order to be rational, require a detailed understanding of the causes, and then the use of appropriate technology. The need for the above-mentioned actions result from the weather changes that have been noticeable in recent years, as well as environmental pollutants increasing water eutrophication in reservoirs and stimulating the development of some species of cyanobacteria. These cyanobacteria can cause serious water poisoning, especially in water supply systems. Therefore, a rational, comprehensive technology for the removal of bottom sediments and their processing into organic and mineral fertiliser has been developed with properties similar to manure. It also creates opportunities to improve the structure of soils thanks to the supply of organic carbon, the loss of which was found, among others, in also in soils of Poland and EU. These new possibilities of revitalisation hitherto unknown make it possible to a large extent, compliance with environmental requirements when revitalising water reservoirs and soil.
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Bibliogr. 30 poz., fot., tab., wykr.
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