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Dzieje kartografii miast polskich do końca XIX wieku. Zarys problematyki

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History of the cartography of Polish cities until the end of the 19th century
Języki publikacji
Przedmiotem artykułu jest próba przedstawienia zarysu dziejów kartografii miast polskich od XVI do końca XIX wieku. Cezurę początkową stanowią najstarsze zachowane kartografika miejskie, natomiast cezurę końcową „produkcja" kartograficzna towarzysząca regulacji miast Królestwa Polskiego po tzw. reformie miejskiej lat 1869-1870 i pierwsze mapy lindleyowskie. Podstawę źródłową artykułu stanowią kartografika przechowywane w zbiorach polskich. Autorzy artykułu wykorzystali także wydawnictwa źródłowe i katalogi dotyczące map wielkoskalowych miast Rzeczypospolitej i miast pozostających obecnie w granicach państwa polskiego. Uwzględniono prace kartografów polskich i obcych pracujących na rzecz polskich odbiorców, a także cudzoziemców, głównie inżynierów wojskowych służących w armiach, które prowadziły wojny na ziemiach Rzeczypospolitej.
The authors attempt to present the history of cartography of Polish cities from the 16th until the end of the 19th century. The oldest preserved city maps constitute the initial caesura and the cartographic 'production' accompanying the regulation of cities of the Kingdom of Poland after the so called city reform of 1869-1870 and W. Lindley's first maps - constitutes the final caesura. Maps and plans stored in Polish collections form the article's source basis. The authors have also used source publications and catalogues of large scale maps of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and of cities which are currently included within the boundaries of the Polish state. There have remained only few large scale 16th century maps. There exist individual copies, mainly of large cities or of those which were strategically important and had fortifications. They were made in connection with urban processes and construction activity. Large scale maps were also made to settle ownership rights and for fiscal reasons. G. Braun's and F. Hogenberg's plans and city views are among the most valuable works of urban cartography. However, the maps made during the 17th century and the beginning of 18th century wars in Poland have higher recognize value. The most valuable among those are the works of a Swedish army engineer, general E. J. Dahlbergh. They were published in part in the work of S. Pufendorf. Urban cartographic 'production' increased in the 18th century. During the reign of August II and August III, mainly two kinds of elaborations were made: 1) maps of Polish cities besieged during the wars fought at the beginning of the 18th century and 2) city plans, mainly of Warsaw, made in connection with urban and construction activity of Saxons. Cartography, including large scale cartography, thrived during the reign of king Stanisław August Poniatowski. During that time, not only maps being the result of the king's urban and construction activity were made, but also plans elaborated for such city institutions as the Paving Committee and the Boni Ordinis Committee. The authors of large scale city maps of Poland were the best contemporary cartographers and architects, such as PR. de Tirregaille, A. Hiz, H. Jedrzejowski, M. Deutsch, J. Fontana and D. Merlini. The most numerous among the maps which have survived up to this day are the maps created in the 19th century. The partitioning states' cartographic 'production' after the third partitioning of Poland (1795) mainly concerned ownership and fiscal matters. In the period of the Duchy of Warsaw, city plans were mainly made in connection with fortification works conducted at the time. Urban cartography grew most dynamically during the constitutional period of the Kingdom of Poland (1815-1830). In order to make large scale maps of Warsaw, knowledge and organizational potential of military topographic services were used. In urban cartography, methods and models obligatorily used until the end of the 19th century were created. Also in the period of conducting regulation works which followed the implementation of the so called urban reform, many large scale urban maps were created. In the history of Polish city cartography, the 19th century is concluded with cartographic works done in connection with the construction of water supply and sewer system in Warsaw.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 28 poz., mapy.
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