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Microclimate Thermal Control for Open-Air Areas

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Thermal comfort in openair situations is a difficult industrial task. In literature there were insufficient studies on how to control the external microclimate in a region, and there are many activities outside the house in open areas that require temperature control, such as the stadiums in hot humid countries, and tourism, and recreational areas in humid and hot climates. Openair conditioning requires huge amount of energy, that negatively affects the global warming of the earth. To reduce energy consumption microclimate control is proposed. Isolation of the controlled area is performed to reduce the amount of air-conditioned load. In this project the air conditioning of an external open area will be studied. Wind tunnel with two air flows at different temperatures, relative humilities, angle of attach and velocities will be constructed. The two flows will be allowed to intersect to gather at different conditions (different wind speeds ranging from 1 to 7 m/s, as well as a jet flow about 1 m/s and angles 60 to 90 degrees) to construct an isolation Dom for the targeted outside open area. An open area with the use of cross flow that stops the local wind speed in the targeted area and allows to keep the conditioned air for a long time in the open space. This method allows to save huge energy used continuously for the air-conditioning purpose.
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tafila Technical University, P.O. Box 179, 66110, Tafila, Jordan
  • Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan
  • Renewable Energy Engineering Department, Middle East University, Jordan
  • College of Engineering, Zarqa University, Zarqa, Jordan
  • College of Engineering, University of Business and Technology, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • 6 Mechatronics Engineering Department, Philadelphia University, Jordan
  • Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Poland
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tafila Technical University, P.O. Box 179, 66110, Tafila, Jordan
  • Department of Thermal Science, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tafila Technical University, P.O. Box 179, 66110, Tafila, Jordan
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