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Kinetics of phase transformations during heating is limited by temperature values at the beginning and at the end of austenitic transformation, while the progress of phase transformations during cooling is determined on the basis of TTT-welding diagram and Johnson-Mehl-Avrami and Kolomogorov law for diffusive transformations and Koistinen-Marburger for martensitic transformation. Stress state of a bar subjected to thermo-mechanical loads is described assuming the plane cross section hypothesis and using integral equations of stress equilibrium of a bar as well as simple Hook’s law. Stresses in the elastic-plastic state are determined by iteration using solutions with a variable elastic modulus of elasticity, conditioned by tensile curves. Dependence of stresses on strains is assumed on the basis of tensile curves of particular structures, taking into account the influence of temperature. There were performed calculations of the temperature field, phase transformations, strains and stresses for GMAW surfacing of a cuboid element made of S235 steel. Authors’ programs, made in Borland Delphi, were used for calculations.
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Bibliogr. 38 poz., rys., tab., wykr., wzory
- Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, 42-201 Czestochowa, 21 Armii Krajowej Str., Poland
- Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, 42-201 Czestochowa, 21 Armii Krajowej Str., Poland
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