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Biometric relation between body size and otolith size of Cyprinion kais and C. macrostomum collected from Tigris River, Şirnak Province, Türkiye

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One hundred and twenty asterisci were obtained from 30 specimens each of Cyprinion kais and Cyprinion macrostomum. Significant relationships between otolith mass and the three fish lengths (TL, SL, and FL) were attained for C. kais. Similar associations were obtained for OL and the three fish lengths of C. macrostomum. For C. kais,the highest in the relation between otolith mass, hereafter referred to as OM, and fish fork length, henceforth knownas FL (0.5894). The lowest coefficient of determination wasobserved between otolith width, hereafter called OW, and standard fish length, hereafter referred to as SL (0.2861). For C. macrostomum, the highest coefficient of determination was attained for the relation between OL and FL (0.7280) and the lowest for the relationship between OM and TL (0.1717).The analysis shows that evaluations of the body size of the two fish species investigated through biometric studies ofotoliths are trustworthy.
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Bibliogr. 44 poz., fot., map., tab.
  • Harran University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Fisheries and Diseases, 63200 Eyyübiye/Şanlıurfa, Türkiye
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  • Harran University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science, 63100 Haliliye/ Şanlıurfa, Türkiye
  • Dokdo Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Uljin 36315, Republic of Korea
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