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To evaluate the quality of watercourses in the Western part of Carpathians from a hydro-chemical perspective, a systematic approach is required. This involves gradually excluding factors that contribute to the washing, mixing, and transportation of contaminants in the watercourse pathway. The model that considers spatial dependencies by autoregression was implemented in this study to determine the correlation between hydrodynamic and physico-chemical characteristics of waters at surface in different groups and forms of catchment use. The surface water at forested areas had the maximum average shear stress of 0.178 N∙m-2. The watercourse at sustained grassland had the maximum average Reynolds number (Re) of 23,654 and the minimum number of 0.426 at arable lands. Spatial autoregression analysis revealed space-time relations in various measurement points. When constructing the space-physical model, it is important to consider the influence of hydraulic characteristic parameters on the generation of physicochemical indicators in the flysch basin. Specifically, it may be beneficial to take into account the turbulent diffusion coefficient. The autoregression analysis demonstrated that for the ions P-PO43- and K+ in surface water on cropland and for total iron and the cation K+ on grassland (p < 0.05), the turbulent diffusion coefficient proved to be of great importance. The study did not identify any physicochemical dependency for woodland surface waters. The findings can be utilised to create an erosion model that considers the contribution of material supply in a catchment area, specifically from weathered Carpathian flysch or surface runoff, to the alimentation of alluvial deposits.
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