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Analysis of the processes leading to the expansion of the municipal real estate stock under Polish conditions, based on a selected example

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One of the most important issues of local government is a proper management of the property stock. This process also includes the acquisition of real estate. The subject of this article is an analysis of the processes leading to the expansion of the municipal real estate stock on the example of a case study based on data from the city of Krakow. The purpose of the study to analyse of the measures applied to acquire real estate for the municipality, using a selected area as an example, to indicate the range of properties acquired through the various modes, and to present the current structure of land owned by the municipality, taking into account the impact of real estate acquisition processes. As a result of the analyses, the processes that result in the expansion of land and the extent to which they affect the municipal property stock were identified in relation to the current land structure of the Municipality. The results of the research confirm that the municipal real estate stock has been most affected by the municipalisation process. Other forms of acquisition, including those under civil law, despite their smaller scale, are nevertheless important for the implementation of the local government tasks and result in the regularisation of the legal status of municipal real estate.
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