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Different faces of CSR: greenwashing in the context of its impact on corporate reputation

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Purpose: The aim of the article is to show the negative impact of greenwashing on the company's reputation and to propose ways of using CSR and green marketing tools to reduce green reputation risk. Design/methodology/approach: The article attempts to answer the question: How to use CSR and green marketing tools so that they are not perceived as greenwashing and do not generate green reputation risk? The following methods were used: literature review, deductive inference based on the analysis of the following concepts: CSR and sustainable development, stakeholder theory, corporate reputation management, stakeholder engagement and social innovation. Findings: The most frequently postulated method of limiting greenwashing is the legal regulation of CSR, but due to its weaknesses, it is proposed to develop cooperation with stakeholders in order to jointly create green strategies and social innovations. Practical implications: The methods and directions of activities limiting the negative effects of greenwashing in the context of reducing green reputation risk and improving the reputation management process were indicated. Originality/value: The article contributes to the development of reputation management theory by drawing attention to another source of reputational risk, the so-called green risk, such as greenwashing, with an indication of how to reduce or avoid it.
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Bibliogr. 89 poz.
  • Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Organization and Management, Zabrze
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