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The metaverse projects for cities – the theoretical and practical perspective of building the competitive advantage

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Purpose: In recent years, the rapid growth of virtual reality has opened up new possibilities for creating an immersive virtual world known as Metaverse. With advancements in technology, such as virtual reality headsets, and the emergence of applications with social interaction, Metaverses offer exciting opportunities for cities to build the future and a competitive advantage. The paper focuses on analyzing the theoretical and practical aspects of the Metaverse, particularly in the field of city development. This paper aims to discuss the potential benefits and challenges of the Metaverse projects for building cities' competitive advantage. Design/methodology/approach: The article comprehensively describes the use of Metaverse as a project created to build the city's competitive advantage in a technology-based future. Therefore, in the article, we asked a research question: What is the potential of Metaverse projects for cities as a tool for building competitive advantage? The method used was an in-depth literature study based on an electronic basis, e.g., SCOPUS for theory background. In the empirical part, we have done the qualitative research using the multiple case study (Three selected cities: Seoul, Tampere, and Dubai) associated with bibliographic and documentary research. Findings: Metaverse has become one of the hot topics in society and, consequently, is the theme of scientific research worldwide. The development of the Metaverse world will inject new vitality into modern cities, open up more application scenarios for smart cities, and push them forward. It can also be stated that the fundamental concept of Digital Twins emerged with a Digital twin of a person (DToP) and a Digital twin of a customer (DToC). The Metaverse is an entirely new concept, and there are still too many unknowns and uncertainties about its development direction. Originality/value: This article comprehensively describes using the Metaverse as the project for building a city's competitive advantage. The cross-sectional case study and comparison of three cities provided valuable insights into cities' challenges in creating a metaverse project. The main contribution is identifying repeatable decision-making areas that scops become future potentials of Metaverse for cities in building competitive advantages.
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Bibliogr. 21 poz.
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