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Zastosowanie lotniczego skaningu laserowego i tomografii elektrooporowej w kompleksowych badaniach osuwisk : przykład z Pogórza Dynowskiego (Karpaty zewnętrzne)

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Application of airborne laser scanning and electrical resistivity tomography in a comprehensive research of landslides : example from the Dynów Foothill (Outer Carpathians)
Języki publikacji
The study is focused on this part of the Dynów Foothiil, where many landslides are active. Extensive inventory work in the sites predisposed to development of landslides, initiated a search in order to improve traditional methods of mapping landslides. The traditional methods rely mainly on the analysis of topographic maps, geological and geomorphological mapping in the field. This article also descrobes the test of one of the modern methods of three-dimensional earth imaging – Airborne Laser Scanning. A major advantage of the method is the ability to filter out vegetation and other objects on the ground, which results in a precise terrain model. The relief inside the landslide consists of several secondary scarps and two lakes.The aim of the geophysical survey was primarily to interpret the geological structure of the landslides basement and the landslide body structure and to determine the depth of occurrence of the slide zone. It occurs at the shallowest depth in the upper part of the landslide, where Quaternary deposits are sliding down the slope of the surface of the top of variegated shales. The depth of slide surface increases significantly from the tectonic overthrust, where variegated shales are thrust on the hale-sandstone flysch layers of the Krosno Beds. In this part of the landslide, the slip surface can be at a depth of even 25 metres and is developed only within the flysch Krosno Beds.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 34 poz., rys.
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