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Określanie metodami geoinformatycznymi stopnia zagrożenia pożarowego lasów w Polsce

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Forest fire risk estimation in Poland using geoinformatics methods
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In the paper, the integrated method is presented, which combine the static approach with the dynamic one. Firstly, the static model, which describes the terrain susceptibility, is develop on the base of the fire statistics and the environmental information such as: vegetation type, slope and aspect of the terrain. In order to estimate the static index the environmental modeling implemented in GIS was used. Later, the dynamic method was created on the base of the MODIS satellite images. The most important and changeable variables were estimated from the images: surface temperature, water vapor and dryness of the vegetation. The dynamic index which describes the current fire situation was obtained. Finally, two indexes integrated into one, which combine the current fire risk with the terrain susceptibility.
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Bibliogr. 127 poz., mapy, rys., tab., wykr.
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