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As a consequence of recent implementations of EU Directives related to noise protection more and more students of various AGH-UST programs are introduced to the basics of acoustic measurements. Students at various levels of theoretical background in the field of acoustic measurements are offered practical training in measurements using digital sound analyzers. The situation would be optimal if each student could have a device at his/her own disposal. Unfortunately, such a situation is not possible at the moment because of various reasons. With the above problem in mind, a dedicated software package has been developed, implemented in the LabVIEW environment, which allows detailed studies of problems related to the acoustic signal measurement using sound level meters, as well as tasks in spectral analysis (1/1 and 1/3 band filters) and narrow-band (FFT) analysis. With such organization during the introductory laboratory classes each student is offered a direct individual contact with a virtual device that is properly pre-programmed for realization of a well-constructed learning process. It definitely facilitates understanding of the essence of acoustic signal measurements and provides a good basis for further laboratory work carried out as a team-activity.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 13 poz., fot., wykr.
- AGH University of Science and Technology al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
- AGH University of Science and Technology al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
- 1. Barański R., Batko W. (2011), The Spectral Response of Hand-Arm System, Acta Physica Polonica A, 119, 913–915.
- 2. Engel Z., Wszołek G. (2004), Investigations of Sound Level Meter in Free Field Conditions [in Polish: Badania mierników poziomu dźwięku w polu swobodnym], Proceedings of Congress of Metrology, KM 2004, Vol. 2, pp. 683–686, Wrocław.
- 3. LabVIEW 2010, Help, National Instruments Corp., 2010.
- 4. Manufacturer’s data from NI Sound and Vibra¬tion Toolkit, NI Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite, 2009, available at¬ducts/us/catsvmsuite.pdf, dated 2011-06-11.
- 5. PN-EN 61672 Electroacoustics – Sound level meters; Part 1: Specifications (2005), Part 2: Pattern evaluation tests (2005), Part 3: Periodic tests (2000) [in Polish: Elektroakustyka. Mierniki poziomu dźwięku; Część 1: Wymagania (2005), Część 2: Badania typu (2005), Część 3: Badania okresowe (2007)].
- 6. PN-EN 61094 Measurement microphones – Part 4: Specifications for working standard microphones (2000), Part 6: Electrostatic actuators for determination of frequency response (2005) [in Polish: Mikrofony pomiarowe. Część 4: Wymagania dla roboczych mikrofonów wzorcowych, Część 6: Pobudniki elektrostatyczne do wyznaczania charakterystyki częstotliwościowej].
- 7. Regulation by the Ministry of Economy dated May, 28-th 2007 r. concerning the requirements imposed on the sound level meters and a detailed specification of examinations and check-ups carried out during legal metrological inspection of these measurement devices (Dz.U. nr 105, poz. 717) [in Polish: Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki z dnia 28 maja 2007 r. w sprawie wymagań, którym powinny odpowiadać mierniki poziomu dźwięku, oraz szczegółowego zakresu badań i sprawdzeń wykonywanych podczas prawnej kontroli metrologicznej tych przyrządów pomiarowych (Dz.U. nr 105, poz. 717)].
- 8. Wszołek G., Engel Z. (2004), Investigations of Uncertainty of Acoustical Measuring Instruments Applied to Noise Control, Archives of Acoustics, 29, 2, 283–295.
- 9. Wszołek G., Barwicz W., Duminov S. (2006), Automatic Measuring System for Acoustical Devices Cal¬ibration in the Free-Field, Archives of Acoustics, 31, 4, 397–402.
- 10. Wszołek G., Barwicz W. (2007), Comparative Calibrations of Measuring Microphones Performed in a Free Field, Archives of Acoustics, 32, 4 (Supplement), 305–312.
- 11. Wszołek G., Kłaczyński K. (2008), Calibration of Sound Level Meters according to the PN-EN 61672-3 Standard, Procedure S3/B, Accredited with the PCA Calibration Laboratory, third edition dated 15.12.2008, Cracow [in Polish: Wzorcowanie mierników poziomu dźwięku zgodnie z PN-EN 61672-3, procedura S3/B akredytowanego w PCA laboratorium wzorcującego, wyd. 3 z 15.12.2008, Kraków].
- 12. Wszołek G. (2008), Selected Problems of Uncertainty Assessment in the Calibration of Acoustic Measuring Instruments [in Polish: Wybrane zagadnienia szacowania niepewności przy wzorcowaniu przyrządów do pomiarów akustycznych], Proceedings of 50th Open Seminar on Acoustics OSA 2008, pp. 343–348, Wrocław-Szklarska Poręba/Piechowice.
- 13. Trojanowski R., Wiciak J. (2010), Preliminary Results of Laboratory Tested System for Active Control of Plates via Lab VIEW and Piezoelectric Elements, Acta Physica Polonica A, 118, 168–173.
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