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Concept of new water tankfor dust collecting equipment controlling thedust hazard

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The article reviews the water reservoirs currently in use, working with wet-type dust collection devices. A shortcoming of current water systems is the problem of waste formation in the form of sludge with arelatively high water content. The article presents the concept and directions of further development of the device, in the context of thetreatment of water discharged from the dust collection device, operating in a closed circuit, and the impact of proper operation on theefficiency of the dust collection device, affecting the protection of the upper respiratory tract of workers who are in the area of increased dustiness. The use of a special design of the bottom of the tank makes it possible to separate the resulting pollution and direct it towards a drain hole or an inspection window. An important advantage of the presented solution is its modular design, which allows to adapt the development of the tank in conditions of limited space, and the way of its location and movement.
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Bibliogr. 12 poz., rys., zdj.
  • KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, Pszczyńska 37, 44-101 Gliwice, Poland
  • KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, Pszczyńska 37, 44-101 Gliwice, Poland
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