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A survey of the synchronization process of synchronous generators and power electronic converters

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The process of synchronization of synchronous generators and power electronic converters with the power grid may take on quite different forms. This is due to their specific principles of operation and essential differences in energy conversion process. However, since synchronous generators and power converter often operate in the same utility network, coherent rules should be defined for them. There-fore, this paper aims at a formulation of the uniform and consistent interpretation of synchronization with the power grid for both types of aforementioned units. The author starts from the classic interpretation of synchronization for synchronous generators and power electronic converters, considered as micro-generators, specifies their mathematical and numerical models and then performs simulation tests. Selected synchronization algorithms are described in detail. Simulation tests are used for analysis of the elaboration of outcomes. The results of simulation tests are handled to formulate a uniform interpretation of synchronization for the micro-generation systems considered. Based on the results obtained, appropriate parallels are built between the two systems being compared. It is shown that the synchronization processes are identical regardless of the micro-generation unit considered. Nonetheless, they differ significantly due to their properties in transient states. Inverter systems have higher dynamics but their disadvantage lies in the relatively high sensitivity to disturbances and the complex selection process of the synchronization algorithm.
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Bibliogr. 48 poz., rys.
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology, 38A Nadbystrzycka St., 20-618 Lublin, Poland
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