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Złoto : blaski i cienie żółtego kruszcu

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Gold : lights and shadows of yellow bullion
Języki publikacji
Gold, despite the low production and consumption levels, is the one of the strategically important metals for the world economy. Gold has been treated for hundreds of years as a stable, valuable and safe asset, especially in times of fiat money, when the costs of goods and services are rising and the purchasing power of national currencies is reduced. Massive purchases (stock buildings) of gold are currently being observed, not only by central banks, and gold prices have reached levels unquoted in history. The basic sources and supplies directions of primary gold raw materials have been discussed in the paper. The consumption structure and gold trade were indicated, as well as the risk and market prospects were assessed. The resource base potential of Poland was presented and the national economy of gold raw material was briefly characterized.
Opis fizyczny
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