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Energetic materials are substances that can store chemical energy in their chemical bonds. An ideal energetic material is a substance with high performance, safety and shelf life. Many recent researches have concentrated on the synthesis or the development of new energetic materials with optimized properties, such as thermal stability, sensitivity and burn rate. The reduction of the particle size of energetic materials from micron to nano-sized is one of the suitable approaches for obtaining desirable properties. Recent progress on the reduction of the particle size of energetic materials is reviewed in this work. The effects of nano-sized particles on the performance of energetic compounds are also investigated.
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Bibliogr. 30 poz.., rys., tab., wykr.
- Department of Chemistry, Malek-ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
- Department of Chemistry, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
- Department of Chemistry, Malek-ashtar University of Technology, Shahin-shahr, P.O. Box 83145/115, Isfahan, Islamic Republic of Iran
- Department of Chemistry, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
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