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ASPOCP 2015 : ASPOCP International Workshop on “Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms” (8: August 31, 2015: Cork, Ireland)
Języki publikacji
Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a powerful declarative programming paradigm that has been successfully applied to many different domains. Recently, ASP has also proved successful for hard optimization problems like course timetabling and travel allotment. In this paper, we approach another important task, namely, the shift design problem, aiming at an alignment of a minimum number of shifts in order to meet required numbers of employees (which typically vary for different time periods) in such a way that over- and understaffing is minimized. We provide an ASP encoding of the shift design problem, which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been addressed by ASP yet. Our experimental results demonstrate that ASP is capable of improving the best known solutions to some benchmark problems. Other instances remain challenging and make the shift design problem an interesting benchmark for ASP-based optimization methods.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 42 poz., rys., tab.
- TU Wien, Austria
- TU Wien, Austria
- TU Wien, Austria
- University of Potsdam, Germany
- University of Potsdam, Germany
- INRIA Rennes, France
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