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Roll casting of a clad strip consisting of 5182 aluminium alloy

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Purpose: The investigation of the casting ability of the two layers and three layers clad strips consisting of the 5182 (Al-Mg) strip by the vertical type twin roll caster equipped with a scraper and the vertical type tandem twin roll caster at the speed higher than 30 m/min is one of the purposes. Another purpose is investigation of the casting conditions that affect the bonding condition of the 5182 strip to another aluminium alloy strip. Design/methodology/approach: A twin roll caster equipped with a scraper and a vertical type tandem twin roll caster were designed, assembled, and the castings of clad strips consisting the 5182 strip were tried. The interface between the strips were observed by the optical microscope. The bonding strength between strips was investigated by the continuous bending test. Findings: In the casting of the 5182 strip and the 3003 strip, the temperature of the 3003 strip influenced the bonding. When the temperature of the 3003 strip was lower, the 5182 strip was not bonded to the 3003 strip. In the casting of the 5182 strip and the 4045 strip, the porosity occurred near the interface. The temperature of the 5182 strip at the roll bite influenced the occurrence of the porosity. When the temperature of the 5182 strip was low, the porosity did not occur. The vertical type twin roll caster equipped with a scraper was suitable for the clad strip consisting of the 5182 and the 3003, and consisting of the 5182 and the 4045. The sound clad strips of the 5182 and the 3003, of the 5182 and 4045 could be cast using the vertical type twin roll caster equipped with a scraper. Research limitations/implications: The size of the roll was laboratory size. Moreover, the amount of the poured molten metal was less 3kg. Therefore, there was no information about the commercial size clad strip in this paper. Practical implications: The aluminium clad strip can be used to make component of the automobile by the press forming. Originality/value: The twin roll casters that could cast two and three layers clad strips were original invention. It is shown that the clad strips consisting of the 5182 (Al-Mg) strip could be cast using the twin roll caster. The elucidation of the casting conditions that affects the bonding and porosity near the interface is original result.
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Bibliogr. 25 poz.
  • Osaka Institute of Technology 5-16-1 Omiya Asahiku Osaka city 535-8585, Japan
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