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Conception of water management improvement in Morskie Oko Park in Warsaw
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The Morskie Oko Park is one of few parks in Warsaw, in which one can to find solutions created to retain storm water. Unfortunately, because of bad technical condition, caused lack of preservation, the existing water system does not function correctly and it demands quick repair and modemization. For that reason a conception of water system revitalization was proposed. It presumes collecting the storm water from roofs and impervious surfaces in the area of the Park and adjacent housing estates. Gathered waters would be cleaned and retained thanks to utilization of environmental methods of water management such a constructed storm water wetlands and retention ponds. Excessive waters would be moved away by evapotranspiration and infiltration, what will prevent too much surface outflow from urbanized areas. The conception creates a perspective of improvement of environmental functioning of the Morskie Oko Park across enlargement of water accessibility for plants and enrichment existing and creating new ecosystems connected with water environment and also formation of a good microclimate.
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Bibliogr. 5 poz., rys.
- Warsaw Agrieulturai University Department of Environmental lmproyement ul. Nowoursynowska 166 02-787 Warszawa Poland
- FERGUSON B.K. 1990: Urban stormwater infiltration - purposeses, implementation, results. JoS&WC nr 6/90.
- GIEYSZTOR A., BARANOWICZ Z. 1980: Warszawa, jej dzieje i kultura. Arkady, Warszawa.
- STAŃCZYK T. 2000: Możliwości zastosowania różnych rozwiązań ogrodowych dla poprawy warunków retencjonowania wód w obiektach architektury krajobrazu. Maszynopis, SGGW.
- 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual. Maryland Department of the Environment, 1999. Baltimore.
- Stormwater Management. Vol. II: Stormwater Technical Handbook, 1997: MA Department of Environmental Protection, MA Office of Coastal Zone Management.
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