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Hydrochemical and isotopic methods of identifying the impact of irrigation on the quality of groundwater: a case study from the guelma-bouchegouf region, ne Algeria

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The Guelma-Bouchegouf irrigated perimeter uses water from the Bouhamdane dam between May and the end of October. It should be noted that the water is channelled to the perimeter via Seybouse Wadi, which serves as a water collector. The water is supplied during the dry season, which causes water pollution due to strong evaporation and industrial discharges. Moreover, during the summer period irrigation increases since the crops grown are industrial tomatoes, melon, watermelon and beans, requiring intense and sustained watering. The measurement of the conductivity of the water flow shows a clear increase from 3000 μs/cm to 6000 μs/cm. This increase is connected to interactions between water and rock, compounded by the adverse impact of climate change. It should be noted that during this period the average temperature is 26°C and sometimes temperature values exceeding 40°C are recorded. In addition, industrial discharges into the Seybouse Wadi occur without pre-treatment, leading to water pollution by heavy metals. The results of the analyzes of the Seybouse Wadi waters show the presence of pollutants such as iron, manganese, zinc, copper and nutrients in the upstream zone (Guelma region). In the downstream area (Annaba) we notice the presence of pollutants such as chromium, lithium, iron, manganese and nutrients.
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Bibliogr. 58 poz., rys., tab.
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