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The selection of the formwork system for high rise building affects the entire construction project duration and cost. The study reports the factors influencing the selection of different formwork system in the construction of high rise buildings through structural questionnaire survey from the client, contractor, consultant, and interviews with expert members. Total of 40 technical factors was identified from the literature and 220 filled questionnaires were received from the respondent. Relative Importance Index method is used to find the topmost factors affecting the selection of formwork system. Additionally, from factor analysis 22 factors were identified to have a correlation with one another. Regression analysis reveals that duration of the project, maintenance cost, adaptability, and safety have impact on formwork selection across time, cost and quality. These findings could potentially increase the construction company’s existing knowledge in relation to formwork selection.
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Bibliogr. 32 poz., tab.
- KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Tamilnadu, India
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Opracowanie rekordu w ramach umowy 509/P-DUN/2018 ze środków MNiSW przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (2019).
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