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This paper is an attempt to understand and overcome the peculiarity of the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19), described as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Covid-19 is spreading around the world, and particularly in Algeria, which announced the identification of the first case on the 26 February 2020. The number of confirmed cases is increasing day by day. Currently, we experience the spread of the word “resilience” in most diverse research areas and policy fields of modern society. Social resilience is the capacity of a social entity to proactively adapt to and recover from disturbances that are perceived within the social entity to fall outside the range of normal; this includes expected and unexpected disturbances. The main objective of this study is to contribute towards connecting the socio-economic vectors of this pandemic, and to integrate them into the GIS (Geographic Information System), in order to analyze the level of social resilience in Algeria. The analysis adopted the method known as the Hierarchical multi-criteria analysis (AHP), which defines the relative importance of each characteristics. The findings of our research show that the factors of high unemployment and housing occupancy rates, high population density and the share of citizens aged over 60 directly influence the reduction in the level of social resilience to the novel coronavirus.
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Bibliogr. 8 poz., rys., tab.
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