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Influence of land use changes on road network and channel level in Uszwica catchment in 1975–2015 (Polish Western Carpathians)

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The impact of land use changes (LULC) on road network and channel level on the period 1975–2015 were studied in the Uszwica catchment (22.7 km2 ) in the Polish Western Carpathians. This period covers the transformation of the Polish economy from a communist system to a free-market economy after 1989. The analysis of aerial photos using GIS technics indicates that during the investigated period the forest area increased by 25 % and the cultivated land area decreased by 88 % in the Uszwica catchment. The population density increased from 90 to 116 people · km–2, while employment in agriculture decreased from 51.6 % to 4.2 %. As a result of forest succession and cultivated land abandonment the density of used roads and the roads that have connection with stream decreased by 27 % and 8 %, respectively in the Uszwica catchment. The fluvial system of Uszwica channel was strongly influenced by LULC changes. This has led to initiated channel incision by about 1 cm · year–1 after 1989.
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