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Ludwik Karol Teichmann jako preparator

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Ludwik Karol Teichmann – a preparator
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Ludwik Karol Teichmann significantly contributed to the creation of modern techniques in the anatomical preparations. He was, next to Joseph Hyrtl, the most versatile among the anatomical preparators in the second half of the 19th century, successfully introducing modifications to existing methods, as well as striving for independent solutions in this field. His precision in performance, transparency and sustainability of the whole brain preparations, excellent osteological preparations, including small bones and cartilage, evoked and still evoke high admiration. He made his name, however, with preparations obtained by means of injection and corrosion techniques. The application of these techniques in the lymphatic system’s study, both the physiologically proper and the pathologically changed, earned Teichmann a permanent position in the history of anatomy. The developed by Teichmann mass for cold injections (the so-called Teichmann’s cold mass) revolutionized the macro-and microscopic preparatory of that time, thus opening great new research perspectives still widely used during the interwar period.
  • Katedra Historii Medycyny CM UJ Kraków
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