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Antoni Marian Łomnicki (1881-1941) was a Polish mathematician, Professor at the Lwów University of Technology (Lwów Polytechnic) from 1919 to 1941, and a member of the Lwów School of Mathematics. He was murdered by the Germans during the Second World War at the Wuleckie Hills (Wzgórza Wuleckie) in Lwów on July 4, 1941. Łomnicki is mainly remembered for his use, for the first time, of measure theory in probability theory. He proved theorem on periodic functions, and also published papers in mathematics, statistics and mathematical cartography. He was the author of several text-books and the popular Differential and Integral Calculus from 1935. His Mathematical-Physical Tables were printed 13 times in the years 1926-1951 and Mathematical Cartography was published twice in 1927 and 1956. In this article, first the life of Łomnicki is described in details, including photos of him and his family. Then his research in mathematics, statistics, mathematical cartography and dydactics is presented. At the end, this article contains a list of all his published works, including text-books and collection of articles about him.
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Bibliogr. 64 poz.
- Department of Mathematics Luleâ University of Technology SE-971 87 Luleâ, Szwecja
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