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Contrary to earlier conclusions it is shown that the MV-P relation for disks with M=Mcrit, based on the "standard" model, fails to explain the location of various types of CVs in the MV-P diagram. In particular that, compared to this relation, the absolute magnitudes of Z Cam stars at standstill (M≈Mcrit) are fainter by about 1.6 mag. The only possible solution of this problem is a major modification of the shape of the Σ-Te relation, involving significant lowering of the critical temperature from its standard value of log Tcrit0=3.88 to 3.65. Further support for such a modification comes from B-V colors and ultraviolet fluxes. Taking into account arbitrary assumptions and oversimplifications used in the derivation of the standard Σ-Te relation we suggest that its true shape must be determined empirically, by adjusting it in such a way as to produce satisfactory agreement with observations.
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