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This article presents the results of investigations focused on the role of molecularly ordered structures (molecular clusters) on combustion process. The proposed new mechanism of the reactions initiation takes into account the role of molecular clusters in energy (heat and energy of electrons emitted by the surface of the walls of combustion chamber) conductivity regulation. Literature survey shows that molecular clusters created by aromatic hydrocarbons are responsible for particulate matter. The combustion process itself is not uniform in whole combustion chamber. Such diversity, caused mainly by heterogeneous thermal state of combustion chamber is recognized as significant reason to create various products of combustion including carbon oxides, carbon dioxides and nitrogen oxides. Jet fuel and its blends with n-butanol and biobutanol in concentration from 10 to 75 % (V/V) were subjected to laboratory tests. Such blends were also tested on the test rig with a miniature turbojet engine – MiniJETRig. Engine operating parameters and carbon oxide emission were measured. The relations between electrical conductivity and parameters of engine test (e.g. temperature in selected points in combustion chamber) were assessed. Engine tests were carried out according to specific profile of engine test, which models different engine operating modes. The results of experimental investigations, shown in the article, initially confirm the proposed mechanism of the oxidation reactions initiation during combustion process.
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Bibliogr. 19 poz., rys.
- Air Force Institute of Technology, Division for Fuels and Lubricants Ksiecia Boleslawa Street 6, 01-494 Warsaw, Poland tel.:+48 261 851 416, fax. +48 261 851 601
- Air Force Institute of Technology, Division for Fuels and Lubricants Ksiecia Boleslawa Street 6, 01-494 Warsaw, Poland tel.:+48 261 851 416, fax. +48 261 851 601
- Air Force Institute of Technology, Division for Fuels and Lubricants Ksiecia Boleslawa Street 6, 01-494 Warsaw, Poland tel.:+48 261 851 416, fax. +48 261 851 601
- Air Force Institute of Technology, Division for Fuels and Lubricants Ksiecia Boleslawa Street 6, 01-494 Warsaw, Poland tel.:+48 261 851 416, fax. +48 261 851 601
- Air Force Institute of Technology, Division for Fuels and Lubricants Ksiecia Boleslawa Street 6, 01-494 Warsaw, Poland tel.:+48 261 851 416, fax. +48 261 851 601
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Opracowanie rekordu w ramach umowy 509/P-DUN/2018 ze środków MNiSW przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (2018).
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